Current Projects
Beacon Hill Safe Streets is involved in multiple projects to improve residents’ quality of life through improvements to safety, easier travel on bicycle/foot/transit, and more. These are some of the projects in which we are currently involved.
We'll update and maintain as best we can.
Overview map of 2020 design
15th Ave S Repaving Project
SDOT is planning to repave 15th Ave S between S Spokane St and S Angeline St and S Spokane St between S Columbian Way and 18th Ave S. Included in this project will be adjustments to how vehicle traffic passes through the area and improvements to pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure especially at the intersection of 15th Ave S and S Columbian Way.
Beacon Ave Partial Map
Beacon Ave Trail
BHSS is working with SDOT and community groups to enhance bicycle and pedestrian mobility along the entire Beacon Ave S corridor between José Rizal Bridge and 39th Ave S. This includes improvements to the existing median trail on Beacon Ave S.
BHSS doing community outreach
#FixGolfDrive is community members working together to try and fix the intersection and surrounding area of Golf Dr S & S Charles St, in particular to make it safe for all people whether they are driving, walking or biking.