Monthly agendas can be found at:
The Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board (SBAB) advises the Mayor, City Council, and City Departments and Divisions on projects, policies, and programs that improve and/or affect bicycling conditions in Seattle.
SBAB’s responsibilities include:
Stewarding the Bicycle Master Plan
Monitoring implementation activities by City Departments and Divisions
Serving as a resource for City Council on Bicycle Master Plan activities
Serving on transportation-related committees and planning groups
Making recommendations on City projects related to mobility, specifically bicycling
Conducting annual reviews of SDOT onstreet bicycle facility plans
Ad hoc reviews of bicycle projects, trail construction, and capital improvement projects Publishing issue papers on bicycling-related topics
Conducting Site Tours
Bikeablility Tours – periodically SBAB members conduct tours of new bikeways, inspect cycling conditions across critical corridors, and evaluate City of Seattle implementation activities.
Facility Tours – SBAB members organize tours of facilities to examine best practices for bicycle commuting and parking in new and existing buildings
As one of several citizen-led boards in the city, SBAB relies on its membership’s diversity of experience, knowledge, and background to advise the City to make cycling safer and more accessible in Seattle.